Before reaching out to us, try to find your question in the FAQ section. If you can’t find what you are looking for, we are happy to assist at customer@sadalsuudhouse.com.

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Shipping time

The shipping time depends on the final location.

Standard EU shipping: 4-6 days
Express EU shipping: 1-2 days
Standard World shipping: 4-7 days

The item you want is sold out?

Our collections are limited, usually selling out in the first drops and the collections are not recreated. However, if the collection is still on and some products sell out, your subscription to a sold out product enables us to notify the production and stock up some pieces. You will be the first one to know.

Where is our production located?

Our production is held in smaller factories to oversee every step of the production, for our EU market we produce in the Czech Republic and for the World market the production is located in the UAE. In both factories, we are able to ensure highest quality of manufacturing.

Why I don’t want to wear any other hoodie than Sadalsuud House?

(We sure have some sense of humor🤭)